Wednesday, April 22, 2009

the Supply Run

The simplest way to make dieting not seem like a diet is to eat food that taste good. So simple a caveman could do it huh? Caveman pissed. Ha! Anyway, whats a caveman gonna do anyway besides pout? OK, seriously, I'm gonna start being serious here. Not everything that taste good is bad for you, its just a matter of finding those things, those four meals that are pretty easy to cook, and those couple of restaurants, whose chicken salads you can stand, or yogurt or fresh fruit etc to get you through the in between time when your on the road. Design a life style for your self shoe a little discipline, and BAM! Couple months later your sex appeal just shot up 16.5%, and seriously who can't use 16.5% more sex appeal. Your in the game, wondering why the bad guys are mean mugg'n you. So to reiterate, first step is decide what you like to get, phase two, research that list kind out if it is good for you. Phase three stuff not on the good list is researched to see if there is a healthy alternative. Now if there no need to get all bent outta shape and pouty. We just slide those items into the cheat bin. Once a week, or every four days, depending on how active you are and what your goals are, you can give yourself a guilt free cheat meal. Not a day of carnage, a meal, maybe even seconds. Then get back on course. I do mean guilt free, don't you dare tarnish that moment by feeling guilty for even a second. It will psychologically aid you in staying on course if you use this reward method. No there are various different people who call themselves experts on diets, I do not count my self as one of them. I eat well, and I for the most part know whats good to eat and whats not, but the whys are still some what off a mystery. I pretty much have just built patterns, and have adhered to them. Knowledge is power as you all know. I'm currently reading the Ab's diet eat right every time guide, and its letting me know that I've been on the right path, but also why. This book will help you design your new lifestyle. They have a website also, I'd check it out if I was you. I was like one item into putting up a grocery list of mine until I realised it was in some kind of short hand that at this hour seemed alien to me, anyway, you get the gist of it, if not then the list probably wouldn't have helped you anyway. Make a battle plan, and keep the fortress stocked up.

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