Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Back to the Drawing Board

So it's back to the drawing board time. I just completed a month of competing and other competition like preps for each weekend. When I walk that path I always find personal growth as well as a noticed jump in my technical skill. I really get a chance to hone myself and as a fitness professional I'm able to take those conversations that I'm having with myself as far as mental coaching through tough sets, detailed exercises and rough spots as far as energy is concerned and translate them into common language and reapply them. I get a little bit smarter and a little bit better every time. But towards the end, when I have to shut it down and not train, I find that to be the hardest. I hate having to say "NO!...STOP WORKING OUT!! " I know that you grow when you rest, and I've played around with resting a day or two into a competition or shoot for that matter. It works, but it doesn't get any easier with that knowledge. Those are the times I remember the why. The why do I do it. I've competed twice this summer and this was probably my 7th show. After my 2nd physique show I thought I knew what I was doing and that "I got this" What I got was the same placing as the show before. My great training prep, the support I got going into the show. My awesome tan, the support for my fellow competitors back stage was all throw away because my expectations of the outcome were not met. I went into a little depression until I got the pictures and my eyes didn't lie. Everything was as I imagined, except in my imagination I could control the final outcome and I always finished victorious. The lesson was learned. now instead of worrying about that which I cannot control, I control the factors that are controllable. I keep my personal expectations of what I'm capable of achieving at their highest and that is the height for which I reach. As I place my bar higher I drive myself to out do the older version of myself. Why shouldn't that model be outdated. I'm smarter, I've gained more experience. Why should accept not getting better in some capacity? So now after the dust of the competition has settled it's time to get back to work, although I can hardly call this work. I get to build all the things I had on my wish list as I was putting the finishing touches on the last model. Can't wait for day 1 of the redesign!

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