Sunday, March 15, 2009

The bonus

Today I wanted to address the bonus. The bonus can be one of many things. It can be a bonus set, a bonus rep, a bonus finishing exercise, ala a widowmaker, where as you put your body through one last kick ass set, of say, twenty plus, Simply to show it whose the boss. Naw, I'm just kidding, there are many different reasons someone would want to perform burn out set at the end of a workout. The most important being to fill the muscle with blood causing it to swell up with nutrients an such.
Anyway before I get off track. Do a little bit more each day, soon what you used to think was enough, when previously you were on the verge of death, won't seem all that bad at all in no time. Alright everyone be Austin and have a awesome workout, or was it be...never mind. Gone.

1 comment:

  1. I like to do "The Bonus", especially on the exercises that are not my favorite so I can get better and learn to like it just a little bit because I am getting better and better). I love that I am getting there and it's AWESOME! Thanks for the Blog! Peace
